
Restore Brotherhood: Gather Your Men and Slay Your Dragons Together

Choose your band of brothers and join the Dragon Slayers movement. Unearth your potential. Build your legacy. 

Download Your Starter Kit

Reignite Biblical Masculinity. Gather Your Twelve. 

In a world where masculinity is under siege, Dragon Slayers provides a path to rediscovering the strength of true manhood through the power of brotherhood. We invite you to gather your band of twelve brothers and embark on a transformative journey through The Way of the Dragon Slayer. Together you’ll forge unbreakable bonds, support each other through life’s battles, and unlock your full potential as purpose-driven men. 

Download Your Starter Kit

Why Twelve?

Jesus Modeled it. 

Jesus had his crew of twelve—his band of brothers that He poured his life into and spent time with. Jesus’ disciples were his closest friends. That’s what Dragon Slayers is about. When you gather your circle of twelve guys, you experience that same kind of tight-knit brotherhood. You’ll have battle buddies to help you navigate the real stuff, sharpen each other, and champion one another to go after your dreams. It’s a radical way to be deeply connected and become the man you’re called to be.

Download Your Starter Kit

Reclaim Covenant Relationship.

Fortify Your Legacy. 

In a Dragon Slayers Group, you promise to be there for each other and make time for fun adventures that strengthen your bond. You help each other through life and tackle challenges together. You follow a code, called the Dragon Slayers Creed, inspired by the Bible and real-life lessons, focusing on how to live the way Jesus did. It’s not just about improving as men but about boosting each other up and building a community bigger than ourselves. 

Download Your Starter Kit

The Dragon Slayer’s Creed

The Dragon Slayer’s Creed

Dragon Slayer groups are built on love, honor, and integrity. When you commit to brotherhood, you are choosing to hold each other to this standard: 


They never exploit the weak.

Men always set the standard of


They never hate their enemy.

Men always provide resources, strength, and identity.

They never consume or compromise the quality of life for others.

Men always control themselves from the inside out.

They never control other people.

Men take full responsibility.

They never blame others or neglect their responsibilities.

Men sacrifice for the benefit of others.

They never sacrifice others for their own benefit.

Men live submitted to other men.

They never live as the masters of their own universe.

How to Build Your Brotherhood: 


Download Your Starter Kit.


Order your copy of The Way of The Dragon Slayer

and join the Global Dragon Slayers Call.


join the Global Dragon Slayers



Gather Your Dragon

Slayer Group and

Slay All Day!

What Men Are Saying: 

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“I didn’t know how to have deep relationships with other men, or even that I needed them. Joining a Dragon Slayers group has radically impacted my life as a man, husband, father, and leader. I’ve learned that I don’t have to do everything on my own. A “self-made” man isn’t a badge of honor but a sign of a lonely, broken man. The men in my group have added so much strength and direction to my life. I can’t imagine my life without a band of brothers now."

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“I’ve been in various men’s groups for years, but Dragon Slayers is refreshingly different. It’s more about creating a long-term band of brothers than doing a short-term small group. Having other men to encourage, challenge, and help me grow in my relationship with God month after month has been a game-changer.”

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"Dragon Slayers has been instrumental in my life and has awakened me to the great battles before me that want to steal my destiny and calling as a man, husband, and father. I am not the same and my life shows it. If you are eager to live differently and take command of your future and legacy, Dragon Slayers offers a transformative path."


Frequently Asked Questions

    How do I lead a Dragon Slayers group?

        Leading a Dragon Slayers group is about facilitating meeting times and trips for your band of brothers so you can build connections and champion each other in your journeys. We provide the Dragon Slayers starter kit to give you a basic framework, core values, and general direction for facilitating your group to help you get going. The ideal starting place is to read through The Way of The Dragon Slayer together. After that, the goal of Dragon Slayers isn’t to create a program—it’s to build lifelong relationships and a tight-knit community of strong, healthy men. You have the freedom to make it your own! 

    What is the time commitment to lead a Dragon Slayers group?

        The time commitment is very manageable. Groups typically meet once a month, with every guy also connecting one-on-one with his designated "battle buddy" each week. As the O.G. (original gatherer), you’d ideally invest some additional time to plan adventures and fun trips with your brothers, but you don’t have to initiate this by yourself. Pull on your guys! That’s the point—it’s a worthwhile and rewarding investment for everyone. 

    How do I pick my twelve guys?

        Please pray and lean on the Holy Spirit to choose your twelve. We also provide specific criteria in the Dragon Slayers Starter Kit to help you identify men of character who are ready for authentic brotherhood. The goal is to gather a diverse yet unified band committed to growing, challenging, praying, and playing together!

    What if I don’t have all twelve guys right now? Can I still start a group?

        Absolutely. While the ideal is 12, you can start with whatever number you have and grow from there. The brotherhood is what matters most.

    Once I get my group together, what do we do at the meetings?

        Meetings are a time to bond, share life, and spark growth through activities, adventures, and transformative content like The Way of the Dragon Slayer. We provide the framework and guidelines and highly encourage you to join the Global Dragon Slayers Call when you start your group. After that, the agenda is flexible to fit your group's dynamics. Challenge each other. Go deep. Have fun. 

    Is there a cost to start a Dragon Slayers group or get access to the materials?

        Nope! Starting a group and being part of Dragon Slayers is completely free. You and your brothers are only responsible for purchasing your copies of The Way of The Dragon Slayer to enrich your experience. Any additional costs for trips or adventures are entirely up to you. General rule of thumb: you’ll get out of this what you put in. Your brotherhood and your legacy are worthy investments. 

    What does a conversation sound like when I invite men to my group?

        Inside the Dragon Slayers Starter Kit, we’ve included a Playbook to help you from start to finish—including how to initiate the conversation and what to say when you invite guys to join. Download the Dragon Slayers Starter Kit to get going! 

Download Your Starter Kit
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